Ancient DNA: Map based on public dataset on (

Instructions: Search for an Object_ID, Haplogroup or Country.

14 samples found (0.09% of all samples).
Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. Y-DNA mtDNA Mean Age (ybp) Country - Culture
I3716 - Volniensky, Vilnianka I-M223 (I2a) U5b2a1a 7347 Ukraine - Ukraine_Neolithic
I4550 - Zvejnieki Q-Y2700 (Q1b) U5b2a1a 8489 Latvia - Latvia_HG
I1723 - Goryachevodskiy 2 R-L23 (R1b) U5b2a1a 4696 Russia - Yamnaya / North Caucasus
I4874 - Vlasac () U5b2a1a 8499 Serbia - Iron_Gates_HG
I4871 - Vlasac () U5b2a1a 8450 Serbia - Iron_Gates_HG
I6133 - Volniensky, Vilnianka () U5b2a1a 7200 Ukraine - Ukraine_Neolithic
CALO1140 - Gruta do Caldeirão () U5b2a1a 7112 Portugal - Neolithic Portugal
I2519 - Dzhulyunitsa () U5b2a1a 6237 Bulgaria - Bulgaria_Chalcolithic
N42 - Oslonki () U5b2a1a 6049 Poland - Brześć Kujawski (BKG)
BENZ 18 - Benzingerode I () U5b2a1a 4960 Germany - Bernburg culture
I0456 - Camino del Molino, Caravaca, Murcia () U5b2a1a 4500 Spain - SE Iberia Early Late Chalcolithic
I7579 - Biddenham Loop, Bedfordshire, England () U5b2a1a 3349 Great Britain - England_MBA
I7580 - Biddenham Loop, Bedfordshire, England () U5b2a1a 3087 Great Britain - England_MBA
R137 - Marcellino & Pietro () U5b2a1a 1550 Italy - Late Antiquity Rome