Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. |
mtDNA |
Mean Age (ybp) |
Country - Culture |
52 samples found (0.35% of all samples).
I6913 - Brunn am Gebirge |
CT-M168 (CT) |
U5a1 |
7366 |
Austria - Early_LBK |
I5401 - Hadučka Vodenica |
I-S2599 (I2a) |
U5a1 |
8838 |
Serbia - Iron_Gates_HG |
I2753 - Balatonlelle |
I-M26 (I2a) |
U5a1 |
5085 |
Hungary - Hungary_Baden_LCA |
I0011 - Motala, Kanaljorden |
I-M423 (I2a) |
U5a1 |
7564 |
Sweden - Motala_HG |
I0013 - Motala, Kanaljorden |
I-V4921 (I2a) |
U5a1 |
7722 |
Sweden - Motala_HG |
SF11 - Stora Förvar, Stora Karlsö |
I-Z2699* (I1*) |
U5a1 |
8892 |
Sweden - Sweden M |
Pg4 - Baraba forest-steppe |
N-M231 (N1a) |
U5a1 |
1949 |
Russia - Sargat culture |
Sg1 - Baraba forest-steppe |
N-M231 (N1a) |
U5a1 |
1949 |
Russia - Sargat culture |
AC16 - Kunpeszér |
N-P89 (N1a) |
U5a1 |
1300 |
Hungary - Hungary Avar Elite |
S16 - Oust-Abakansty, Khakassia republic |
R-M459 (R1a) |
U5a1 |
3550 |
Russia - Oust_Abakansty_MBA |
GLN123 - Gurgy 'Les Noisats', Southern Paris Basin |
R-M343 (R1b) |
U5a1 |
2050 |
France - Gaul |
I4114 - Dereivka |
R-BY17643* (R1b) |
U5a1 |
7351 |
Ukraine - Ukraine_Neolithic |
Pg2 - Baraba forest-steppe |
R-M420 (R1a) |
U5a1 |
1949 |
Russia - Sargat culture |
Individ1 - Cis-Tobol Tyumen forest-steppe |
R-M420 (R1a) |
U5a1 |
1949 |
Russia - Sargat culture |
I0360 - Samara, Samara River, Spiridonovka IV |
R-PF6162 (R1a) |
U5a1 |
3800 |
Russia - Western_Steppe_MLBA_1d.rel.I0354 |
kzb007 - Kazburun 1 |
R-BY30768* (R1a) |
U5a1 |
3672 |
Russia - Srubno-alakulskaya |
I5242 - Padina |
() |
U5a1 |
10530 |
Serbia - Iron_Gates_HG |
LebyazhinkaIV - |
() |
U5a1 |
9450 |
Russia - Comb-Marked Pottery or Yelshanskaya Culture |
Hum1 - Hummervikholmen |
() |
U5a1 |
9364 |
Norway - Nordic Middle Mesolithic |
UZZ82 - Grotta dell'Uzzo, Sicily |
() |
U5a1 |
8505 |
Italy - Castelnovian |
Motala363 - Kanaljorden, Motala, Sweden |
() |
U5a1 |
7568 |
Sweden - Sweden M |
BUD 1 - Budakeszi 4/8 Szőlőskert-Tangazdaság |
() |
U5a1 |
7000 |
Hungary - LBKT |
bomsanto14 - Bom Santo Cave |
() |
U5a1 |
5685 |
Portugal - South-West Iberia Middle Neolithic |
hem005 - Hemmor, När |
() |
U5a1 |
5132 |
Sweden - Pitted Ware Culture |
MCI 386.37 ] - Monte Canelas |
() |
U5a1 |
4950 |
Portugal - Portugal Neolithic |
AT27 - Bayankhongor aimag, Erdenetsogt sum, Shatar chuluu |
() |
U5a1 |
4937 |
Mongolia - Afanasievo Bayankhongor aimag |
Junc2 - El Juncal, Madrid |
() |
U5a1 |
4601 |
Spain - Central Iberia Early Chalcolithic |
ALE13 - Alsónyék-elkerülő 2. lh. |
() |
U5a1 |
4550 |
Hungary - Hungary_BA |
pcw280 - Pełczyska |
() |
U5a1 |
4250 |
Poland - Bell Beaker Poland Małopolska |
I0071 - Lassithi, Crete |
() |
U5a1 |
4000 |
Greece - Minoan_Lasithi |
MX280 - Singen (D) |
() |
U5a1 |
3931 |
Germany - Baden EBA |
QUEXII 7 - Quedlinburg |
() |
U5a1 |
3860 |
Germany - Unetice culture |
KAR 48 - Karsdorf |
() |
U5a1 |
3825 |
Germany - Unetice culture |
KAR 50 - Karsdorf |
() |
U5a1 |
3825 |
Germany - Unetice culture |
I7639 - Waterhall Farm, Chippenham, Cambridgeshire, England |
() |
U5a1 |
3797 |
Great Britain - England_CA_EBA |
I0354 - Samara, Samara River, Spiridonovka IV |
() |
U5a1 |
3791 |
Russia - Steppe_MLBA_oWSHG |
BOO72-10 - Bol’shoy Oleni Ostrov |
() |
U5a1 |
3450 |
Russia - Neolithic North-East Europe |
BOO72-14 - Bol’shoy Oleni Ostrov |
() |
U5a1 |
3450 |
Russia - Neolithic North-East Europe |
BOO72-8 - Bol’shoy Oleni Ostrov |
() |
U5a1 |
3450 |
Russia - Neolithic North-East Europe |
BOO72-9 - Bol’shoy Oleni Ostrov |
() |
U5a1 |
3450 |
Russia - Neolithic North-East Europe |
I9123 - Armenoi,Crete |
() |
U5a1 |
3305 |
Greece - Post-dates arrival of Mycenaean culture in Crete |
S18 - Oust-Abakansty, Khakassia republic |
() |
U5a1 |
3050 |
Russia - Karasuk |
R473 - Civitavecchia |
() |
U5a1 |
2600 |
Italy - Etruscan |
I11523 - Caspian steppe |
() |
U5a1 |
2476 |
Kazakhstan - Sarmatian |
LIAV31 - Botromagno |
() |
U5a1 |
2450 |
Italy - Iapygian / Pre-Roman |
RD5 - North Pontic region |
() |
U5a1 |
2300 |
Russia - Classic Scythian |
Tg67 - Ulug-Kyuzyur |
() |
U5a1 |
2300 |
Russia - Middle Tagar, Saragash group |
BTG05.T8.1 - NW Mongolia |
() |
U5a1 |
2250 |
Mongolia - Pazyryk Mongolia |
BTG06.T12 - NW Mongolia |
() |
U5a1 |
2250 |
Mongolia - Pazyryk Mongolia |
OKG10 - Olon-Kurin-Gol-10 site,southern slope of the Sailyugem Range |
() |
U5a1 |
2250 |
Mongolia - Pazyryk Mongolia |
Priego34 - Madinat Bagut, now Priego de Cordoba |
() |
U5a1 |
750 |
Spain - Islamic |
Nov2 - Church of the Sign of the Novospassky Monastery |
() |
U5a1 |
239 |
Russia - Russia Early Modern |