Ancient DNA: Map based on public dataset on (

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11 samples found (0.07% of all samples).
Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. Y-DNA mtDNA Mean Age (ybp) Country - Culture
I3714 - Volniensky, Vilnianka I-P222 (I2a) U4d 7100 Ukraine - Ukraine_Neolithic
I5868 - Volniensky, Vilnianka I-CTS616 (I2a) U4d 7313 Ukraine - Ukraine_Neolithic
Ajvide70 - Ajvide I-P37 (I2a) U4d 4700 Sweden - Pitted Ware Culture
Ajvide58 - Ajvide I-FT344596* (I2a) U4d 4700 Sweden - Pitted Ware Culture
Ire8 - Ire I-CTS5375 (I2a) U4d 4575 Sweden - Pitted Ware Culture
I5396 - Swat Valley, Katelai J-S19231* (J2a) U4d 2809 Pakistan - Katelai_IA
Popovo2 - Popovo, Archangelsk Oblast, Russia J-M267 (J1) U4d 8200 Russia - Mesolithic Hunter-Gatherer
I5891 - Dereivka R-V88 (R1b) U4d 7338 Ukraine - Ukraine_Neolithic
MIN10 - Minino () U4d 10331 Russia - Russia_HG
I4111 - Dereivka () U4d 6593 Ukraine - Ukraine_Neolithic
Ajvide53 - Ajvide () U4d 4700 Sweden - Pitted Ware Culture