Ancient DNA: Map based on public dataset on (

Instructions: Search for an Object_ID, Haplogroup or Country.

15 samples found (0.1% of all samples).
Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. Y-DNA mtDNA Mean Age (ybp) Country - Culture
I2744 - Cegléd, site 4/2 G-P303 (G2a) J2b1 7050 Hungary - ALPc_Szakalhat_MN
I3535 - Hajdúnánás-Eszlári út I-SK1271 (I2a) J2b1 7068 Hungary - ALPc_III_MN
MA2205 - Kalehöyük J-S21160 (J2a) J2b1 3800 Turkey - Assyrian IIIc
SZ5 - Szólád, Hungary R-BY3194 (R1b) J2b1 1442 Hungary - Longobard migration
CAR-H7 - Su Carroppu rockshelter of the Sulcis region () J2b1 9862 Italy - Early Mesolithic
AKT20g - Aktopraklik () J2b1 8406 Turkey - Anatolia Neolithic
I4665 - Lepenski Vir () J2b1 8006 Serbia - Lepenski_Vir
I2216 - Malak Preslavets () J2b1 7839 Bulgaria - Criș/Dudeşti_MN
I1109 - Malak Preslavets () J2b1 7634 Bulgaria - Criș/Dudeşti_MN
282-126-7 - Herxheiim () J2b1 6950 Germany - LBK
I4110 - Dereivka () J2b1 5448 Ukraine - Ukraine_Eneolithic
Mik15 - Manika, Euboea Island () J2b1 4749 Greece - Helladic_EBA
I8131 - La Vital, Gandia, València/Valencia, Valencian Community () J2b1 4459 Spain - SE_Iberia_CA
aUMB042 - Plestinam Paludem, East Umbria () J2b1 2450 Italy - Umbri Plestini
LHSZ5 - Szólád () J2b1 1385 Hungary - Longobard Migration