Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. |
mtDNA |
Mean Age (ybp) |
Country - Culture |
80 samples found (0.54% of all samples).
I10061 - Potočani |
G-PF4202* (G2a) |
H5 |
6100 |
Croatia - Middle Eneolithic Lasinja culture |
CBT014 - Çorum Province |
G-FGC5089 (G2a) |
H5 |
5518 |
Turkey - CamlibelTarlasi_LC |
Aes6 - Aesch (CH) |
G-L166* (G2a) |
H5 |
4782 |
Switzerland - Horgen culture |
M6-116.10 - Lánycsók, Csata-alja |
I-P214 (I2a) |
H5 |
4645 |
Hungary - Vucedol Hungary |
I5359 - Tinkinswood_1 |
I-Y3709 (I2a) |
H5 |
5600 |
Great Britain - Wales_EN |
I4565 - Galls Carboners, Mont-ral, Tarragona, Catalonia |
I-S10631 (I2a) |
H5 |
4915 |
Spain - North East Iberia CA |
KH150612 - Niedertiefenbach |
I-Y52134* (I2a) |
H5 |
5200 |
Germany - Wartberg culture |
I2631 - Quoyness, Orkney, Scotland |
I-CTS5375 (I2a) |
H5 |
4957 |
Great Britain - Scotland_N |
I2932 - Isbister, Orkney, Scotland |
I-FT368016 (I2a) |
H5 |
4433 |
Great Britain - Scotland_N |
3DT26 - Driffield Terrace |
J-M205 (J2b) |
H5 |
1700 |
Great Britain - England Roman gladiators |
A 59 - Aschheim-Bajuwarenring,Bavaria, Germany |
R-M343 (R1b) |
H5 |
1400 |
Germany - Medieval Bavaria |
VK239 - Faroes |
R-M269 (R1b) |
H5 |
350 |
Faroes - Medieval |
KNS-A1 - Karlsnes |
R-L21 (R1b) |
H5 |
950 |
Iceland - Non-Migrant Pre-Christian Icelander |
VK218 - Ladoga |
R-BY2848 (R1b) |
H5 |
900 |
Russia - Viking Russia |
A 77 - Aschheim-Bajuwarenring,Bavaria, Germany |
R-M420 (R1a) |
H5 |
1400 |
Germany - Medieval Bavaria |
Turlojiske5 - Turlojiškė1999, Lithuania |
R-PF6162 (R1a) |
H5 |
3300 |
Lithuania - Bronze Age, Trzciniec culture (?) |
VK46 - Faroes |
R-FT383000 (R1a) |
H5 |
350 |
Faroes - Medieval |
I1580 - Barcın Höyük |
() |
H5 |
8205 |
Turkey - Northwest_Anatolia_N (Ceramic) |
I0679 - Krepost |
() |
H5 |
7617 |
Bulgaria - Balkans_Krepost_Neolithic |
LGCS3 - Lánycsók, Gata-Csotola |
() |
H5 |
7550 |
Hungary - Starčevo |
SZEH6 - Szemely-Hegye |
() |
H5 |
7100 |
Hungary - Sopot_LN/LBK? |
BUD 15 - Budakeszi 4/8 Szőlőskert-Tangazdaság |
() |
H5 |
7000 |
Hungary - LBKT |
BUD 13 - Budakeszi 4/8 Szőlőskert-Tangazdaság |
() |
H5 |
6905 |
Hungary - LBKT |
ALE2 - Alsónyék-elkerülő 2. lh. |
() |
H5 |
6850 |
Hungary - Sopot_MN |
ALE11 - Alsónyék-elkerülő 2. lh. |
() |
H5 |
6830 |
Hungary - Sopot_MN |
BAL13 - Bátaszék-Lajvér |
() |
H5 |
6525 |
Hungary - Lengyel_LN |
BAL9 - Bátaszék-Lajvér |
() |
H5 |
6525 |
Hungary - Lengyel_LN |
CSAT21 - Csabdi-Télizöldes |
() |
H5 |
6525 |
Hungary - Lengyel_LN |
MORT2 - Mórágy-Tűzkődomb, B1 |
() |
H5 |
6525 |
Hungary - Lengyel_LN |
TU875(SX9) - Niederried Ursisbalm (CH) |
() |
H5 |
6338 |
Switzerland - Horgen culture |
Wittmar9 - Wittmar |
() |
H5 |
6300 |
Germany - Rössen culture |
O11 - Osłonki site 1 |
() |
H5 |
6300 |
Poland - Brześć Kujawski Group of the Lengyel culture |
O40 - Osłonki site 1 |
() |
H5 |
6300 |
Poland - Brześć Kujawski Group of the Lengyel culture |
O70 - Osłonki site 1 |
() |
H5 |
6300 |
Poland - Brześć Kujawski Group of the Lengyel culture |
BERG57 - Bergheim |
() |
H5 |
6054 |
France - BORS-Michelsberg |
NHP1 - Krakow Nowa Huta Pleszów, Little Poland |
() |
H5 |
5650 |
Poland - Lengyel/Late Danubian cultures |
BLA13 - Blätterhöhle at Hagen, Sauerland region, Westphalia |
() |
H5 |
5556 |
Germany - Germany_LN |
Bla32 - Blätterhöhle at Hagen, Sauerland region, Westphalia |
() |
H5 |
5550 |
Germany - Germany_LN |
I1563 - Blatterhole Cave |
() |
H5 |
5448 |
Germany - Blatterhohle_MN |
BLA5 - Blätterhöhle at Hagen, Sauerland region, Westphalia |
() |
H5 |
5302 |
Germany - Germany_LN |
SALZ 1 - Salzmünde-Schiebzig |
() |
H5 |
5182 |
Germany - Salzmünde culture |
SALZ 118 - Salzmünde-Schiebzig |
() |
H5 |
5182 |
Germany - Salzmünde culture |
SALZ 5 - Salzmünde-Schiebzig |
() |
H5 |
5182 |
Germany - Salzmünde culture |
SALZ 6 - Salzmünde-Schiebzig |
() |
H5 |
5182 |
Germany - Salzmünde culture |
SALZ 7 - Salzmünde-Schiebzig |
() |
H5 |
5182 |
Germany - Salzmünde culture |
I0552 - Salzmünde-Schiebzig |
() |
H5 |
5163 |
Germany - Salzmünde_MN |
BENZ 29 - Benzingerode I |
() |
H5 |
4825 |
Germany - Bernburg culture |
EUL 26 - Eulau |
() |
H5 |
4549 |
Germany - Corded Ware culture |
QLB 24 - Quedlinburg |
() |
H5 |
4413 |
Germany - Bell Beaker culture |
I5385 - Achavanich, Wick, Scotland |
() |
H5 |
4230 |
Great Britain - Bell_Beaker_Scotland |
RomIII114 - Romagnano III |
() |
H5 |
4160 |
Italy - Trentino EBA Polada A |
SB343 - Achavanich, Caithness |
() |
H5 |
4060 |
Great Britain - BB_Scotland |
KAR 49 - Karsdorf |
() |
H5 |
4055 |
Germany - Unetice culture |
I0074 - Lassithi, Crete |
() |
H5 |
4000 |
Greece - Minoan_Lasithi |
GUP5 - Groß Upahl |
() |
H5 |
3950 |
Germany - Germany Late Neolithic |
QLB 35 - Quedlinburg |
() |
H5 |
3825 |
Germany - Unetice culture |
QLB 43 - Quedlinburg |
() |
H5 |
3825 |
Germany - Unetice culture |
Minoan9AH - Lasithi Cave, near Ayios Charalambos |
() |
H5 |
3700 |
Greece - Middle Minoan IIb |
GdM7 - Grotta Della Monaca, Calabria |
() |
H5 |
3510 |
Italy - Protoapennine |
St5 - Stillfried |
() |
H5 |
2800 |
Austria - Urnfield |
St6 - Stillfried |
() |
H5 |
2800 |
Austria - Urnfield |
JK2893 - Abusir el-Meleq |
() |
H5 |
2734 |
Egypt - Pre-Ptolemaic period |
UN 40-1 - Urville-Nacqueville necropolis |
() |
H5 |
2150 |
France - Gaul |
BIM33 - Barbing-Irlmauth |
() |
H5 |
1475 |
Germany - Alamannic |
STR360c - Straubing- Bajuwarenstraße |
() |
H5 |
1430 |
Germany - Alamannic-Frankish |
A 56 - Aschheim-Bajuwarenring,Bavaria, Germany |
() |
H5 |
1400 |
Germany - Medieval Bavaria |
AE 1184 - Altenerding-Klettham, Bavaria, Germany |
() |
H5 |
1375 |
Germany - Medieval Bavaria |
AE 1185 - Altenerding-Klettham, Bavaria, Germany |
() |
H5 |
1375 |
Germany - Medieval Bavaria |
SzéK111.546B - Székkutas-Kápolnadűlő |
() |
H5 |
1200 |
Hungary - Hungary Avar |
SzéK112.547B - Székkutas-Kápolnadűlő |
() |
H5 |
1200 |
Hungary - Hungary Avar |
TUH 449 - Tuhovishte |
() |
H5 |
1050 |
Bulgaria - Proto-Bulgarian |
VK433 - Gotland |
() |
H5 |
975 |
Sweden - Viking Sweden |
HMSZper229 - Homokmégy-Székes, Bács-Kiskun County |
() |
H5 |
951 |
Hungary - Early Hungarian (village cemetery) |
vik_gtm021 - Sigtuna |
() |
H5 |
900 |
Sweden - Viking Sweden |
I7499 - Cueva Romero, Huéscar, Granada, Andalusia |
() |
H5 |
900 |
Spain - Muslim |
DA164 - Caucasus |
() |
H5 |
850 |
Russia - |
Radom6 - Radom |
() |
H5 |
850 |
Poland - Poland Middle Ages |
Rathaus205 - Rathausmarkt |
() |
H5 |
810 |
Denmark - Denmark medieval |
Rathaus70 - Rathausmarkt |
() |
H5 |
810 |
Denmark - Denmark medieval |
HGH-1633 - Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein |
() |
H5 |
653 |
Germany - Hanseatic League |