Ancient DNA: Map based on public dataset on (

Instructions: Search for an Object_ID, Haplogroup or Country.

14 samples found (0.09% of all samples).
Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. Y-DNA mtDNA Mean Age (ybp) Country - Culture
Tagliente2 - Riparo Tagliente I-P214 (I2a) U4'9* 16745 Italy - Early to Late Epigravettian
UZZ81 - Grotta dell'Uzzo, Sicily I-P214 (I2a) U5b3d 8589 Italy - Castelnovian
PSS1 - Pont-sur-Seine I-P214 (I2a) T2b-152 5454 France - Noyen
I0518 - Banbury Lane, Northamptonshire, England I-P214 (I2a) K1a3a1 5180 Great Britain - England_N
SEEurope13 - Kazanlak, Tell Kran I-P214 (I2a) 4950 Bulgaria - Bulgaria_EBA
I10284 - Cova de la Guineu, Font-rubí, Barcelona, Catalonia I-P214 (I2a) U5b1 4900 Spain - NE_Iberia_MLN
M6-116.10 - Lánycsók, Csata-alja I-P214 (I2a) H5 4645 Hungary - Vucedol Hungary
SFI-35 - Beirut SFI-1075 I-P214 (I2a) R0a1a 2385 Lebanon - Achaemenid (Iron Age III)
SZ6 - Szólád, Hungary I-P214 (I2a) n/a (<2x) 1442 Hungary - Longobard migration
I8158 - Sima del Ángel, Lucena, Córdoba, Andalusia I-P214 (I2a) H1ah 4650 Spain - SE_Iberia_CA
I3137 - Raschoille Cave, Oban, Argyll and Bute, Scotland I-P214 (I2a) HV0+195 5450 Great Britain - Scotland_N
por004 - El Portalón, Atapuerca I-P214 (I2a) K1a 4955 Spain - pre-Bell Beaker Chalcolithic
I1975 - La Chabola de la Hechicera, Elvillar, Araba/Álava, Basque Country I-P214 (I2a) J1c1 4927 Spain - North Iberia CA
I5888 - Dereivka I-P214 (I2a) U5b2b1 7100 Ukraine - Ukraine_Neolithic