Ancient DNA: Map based on public dataset on (

Instructions: Search for an Object_ID, Haplogroup or Country.

9 samples found (0.06% of all samples).
Click to view original post in dataset or 'Obejct ID - Location' to show object on the map. Y-DNA mtDNA Mean Age (ybp) Country - Culture
ans006 - Ansarve dolmen 1982, Tofta, Gotland BT-M42 (BT) J1c8a 4955 Sweden - Funnelbeaker
I3276 - Alto de la Huesera, Laguardia, Araba/Álava, Basque Country G-PF3146 (G2a) V 4955 Spain - North Iberia CA
I2407 - Kierzkowo I-CTS2257 (I2a) H28a 4955 Poland - Globular_Amphora_Poland_brother.of.I2435_son.of.I2433_son.of.I2440
por004 - El Portalón, Atapuerca I-P214 (I2a) K1a 4955 Spain - pre-Bell Beaker Chalcolithic
ros005 - Rössberga I-S2742* (I2a) J1c5 4955 Sweden - FunnelBeaker Culture Sweden
ros008 - Valtorp () H24 (0.684) 4955 Sweden - Sweden_MNA
EUG10 - Laure () 4955 France - Néolithique final 2 (Vérazien classique) ?
irk072 - Cis-Baikal () D4j 4955 Russia - Siberia Bronze Age
I1917 - Ozera () R0a1 4955 Ukraine - Yamnaya Ukraine Ozera